En Vivo! Este Sábado 12 de Noviembre en la99radio.com Ecuador.

Hace un par de meses me ha llegado la invitación para compartir un tema tecnológico y más acerca de mi carrera profesional y aportes comunitarios, en el programa radial CLIC con Edwin Llauca, colega Ingeniero, líder en tecnología y Locutor.Me siento muy feliz y emocionada de compartir esto con mis lectores, para que puedan acompañarme, […]

New Capabilities for Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

I was very excited to participate in Microsoft Ignite 2022 this year in Seattle, Washington. Especially after almost three years of waiting for another in-person conference. I enjoyed meeting again with many other customers, Microsoft employees, Microsoft MVPs, and thought leaders of the industry from many countries. There are new updates for the different verticals […]

New Content! Hybrid Work And More At InspireTech Week

I have had the pleasure of being part of the heart of InspireTech since this project was born in 2019; This is how my friend and colleague Amal Hosni always introduces us when she talks about InspireTech. We are the heart of InspireTech. What is InspireTech?InspireTech’s vision aims to bring people’s experiences closer from the […]

Novedades de Microsoft Ignite, desde el Ignite Party LATAM

Presentando las novedades anunciadas de Microsoft Ignite 2022 junto a algunos de mis compañeros y amigos Microsoft MVP en Latinoamerica, Carla Mamani, Veronica Guamán, Christian Abata y Daniel Gomez. Los esperamos en el canal de YouTube de VirtualDev.Jueves 20 de Octubre, 2022 a las 7 pm Colombia. Actualización:La transmisión estuvo súper genial!!! Si no te […]

Read Now my Interview for the Microsoft TechCommunity

Hello everyone, Happy Monday! On this occasion I am very excited to share with you this interview that was published a few days ago for the Microsoft technical community. In this article we share our experience with three Microsoft MVP colleagues: My friend Amal Hosni from Colombia, Tsubasa Yoshino from Japan and Manuel Sánchez from […]

Amazing! The first Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare BetaTeach Project.

At the end of August, a few days ago, I had the honor of being invited by Microsoft to be part of the first Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare BetaTeach project in Redmond, Washington, at the headquarters of the software multinational. During one week, I was able to learn more about the product and the offerings […]

Speaking at the 6th Edition Gira Online Speakers LATAM

My Session: Revolucionando en las industrias con la nube de Microsoft. Hi friends!📢 Join me #tomorrow and learn about the cloud solutions that Microsoft offers to the different industries; there are a lot of new updates and new members in the industry product teams. At #giraspeakerlatam2022, you will be able to learn from the hand of […]

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