
100 Cosas Que Puedes Hacer en el Portal de Socios de Microsoft!

A continuación, les comparto una lista de 100 cosas que se pueden hacer desde el portal de socios de Microsoft, son muchísimas más por supuesto.Si te gustaría profundizar en algunas de ellas, eres nuevo socio, o si quieres aprender más del Microsoft AI Cloud Partner Program, dejame saberlo en los comentarios o envíame un mensaje […]

(My Happiness) The In-Person / Social Experience

I was about 40 minutes early for my meeting, where I had a great time networking with different ladies who repeatedly said: It’s my first time back since the last 2019 event… I am new here! Very interesting. Sincerely, being able to see people’s faces again makes me so happy, even though I work form […]

Microsoft 365 Copilot, the New Trend!

Could you explain it better than OpenAI/Chat GPT? Microsoft 365 Copilot is a new service from Microsoft that is designed to provide personalized and proactive support to Microsoft 365 customers. With Copilot, Microsoft aims to streamline support requests and minimize the time and effort required for customers to resolve their issues. In this blog post, […]

Call For Speakers 2023: The Boston Healthcare Cloud Technology Community

Hey BOSHUG’ers!First of all, I am very honored to be your Community Manager. It´s been a fantastic year working together, sharing virtually and IRL, of course! Creating lots of fresh content, bringing up thought leaders that are simply amazing. Creating this collaborative and fun environment for all enthusiasts of tech, clinicians, researchers, people in health […]

En Vivo! Este Sábado 12 de Noviembre en Ecuador.

Hace un par de meses me ha llegado la invitación para compartir un tema tecnológico y más acerca de mi carrera profesional y aportes comunitarios, en el programa radial CLIC con Edwin Llauca, colega Ingeniero, líder en tecnología y Locutor.Me siento muy feliz y emocionada de compartir esto con mis lectores, para que puedan acompañarme, […]

New Capabilities for Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare

I was very excited to participate in Microsoft Ignite 2022 this year in Seattle, Washington. Especially after almost three years of waiting for another in-person conference. I enjoyed meeting again with many other customers, Microsoft employees, Microsoft MVPs, and thought leaders of the industry from many countries. There are new updates for the different verticals […]

Read Now my Interview for the Microsoft TechCommunity

Hello everyone, Happy Monday! On this occasion I am very excited to share with you this interview that was published a few days ago for the Microsoft technical community. In this article we share our experience with three Microsoft MVP colleagues: My friend Amal Hosni from Colombia, Tsubasa Yoshino from Japan and Manuel Sánchez from […]

Amazing! The first Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare BetaTeach Project.

At the end of August, a few days ago, I had the honor of being invited by Microsoft to be part of the first Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare BetaTeach project in Redmond, Washington, at the headquarters of the software multinational. During one week, I was able to learn more about the product and the offerings […]

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